Jun 29Liked by Archangel Intelligence

Found this post via a DuckDuckGo search query (slow news month for my "directed energy" Google Alert web crawlers), and I just wanted to mention I've been curating articles about "directed energy weapons", while filtering out the conspiracy nonsense: the /r/DirectedEnergyWeapons subreddit.

I hope you find more interesting content to write about here on Substack.

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Thank you. There's no lack of stuff to write about. The world is always on fire.

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Jun 25Liked by Archangel Intelligence

I think Machiavelli said republics ( nations) need two things to be great: good laws and great arms. But before all else be armed.

I know we spend (and very frequently) waste lots of money on arms.

But the toothpaste thing. What choice have we?

Don’t you think in the end there is something very basic to all leaders, at least Russian.

They don’t want their societies obliterated?

Russia had ample time with much more maniacal leaders than Putin to act otherwise, and yet the world never blew up.

Arms invention is not going away.

We just need to have some hope in the basic goodness of people.

And arm while we hope.

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I have a lot of faith in the goodness of the individual, or at least their survival instincts. I have very little faith in any government or what power does to people.

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